Private Law School Tutoring Packages for 1L-3L
Gain an edge by working one-on-one with our expert law school tutors.
See Tutoring PackagesConvenient
We use the latest in conferencing and scheduling technology allowing you to connect from anywhere.
Our tutor will evaluate your individual strengths and weaknesses and create a plan to maximize your score.
Top Tutors
All of our tutors are engaging and dedicated instructors who have years of experience teaching legal topics.
Faster Results
Private law school tutoring is the fastest way to improve your performance no matter where you're at in your journey.
How Private Law School Tutoring Works
Private tutoring is the fastest way to improve your performance and help ensure that you excel throughout your law school career.
- Topics include:
- 1L: Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Torts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Legal Research & Writing, and Property Law.
- 2L / 3L: Constitutional Law, Corporations, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Family Law, Secured Transactions, Taxation, Wills & Trusts.
Choose from flexible packages
We provide a variety of packages to fit all needs. Take advantage of bundle savings or purchase individual sessions as you need them.
We match you with a top tutor
We immediately match you with one of our tutors and send you instructions on how to schedule your first session. Our tutors evaluate you on an individual basis and target your specific needs so you can focus on the areas that will maximize your score.
You control your experience
Tutoring sessions happen at your convenience over the phone or via video conferencing. You can also change tutors at any time and cancel a session more than 24 hours in advance.
Find the Right Package for You
- 10 Tutoring Hours with a law school expert
- Individual assessment
- $160/hr — Save $400
- 20 Tutoring Hours with a law school expert
- Individual assessment
- $150/hr — Save $1000
- 30 Tutoring Hours with a law school expert
- Individual assessment
- $133/hr — Save $2000
- 2-9 Tutoring Hours with a law school expert
- Individual assessment
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