The Law School Post

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LSAT Textbook on a desk

How Long Should You Study for the LSAT: Everything You Need to Know

Students studying together in class

Everything You Need to Know About JD/MBA Degrees

Student studying at home

Part-Time Law School: What You Need to Know

Female student studying in the library

When to Take the LSATs - Your Full Guide

Writing LSAT

Retaking the LSAT: Is It Worth It?

Law students taking notes

How to Take Notes in Law School

Attorney talking to judges

The Best Law School Extracurriculars

student experiencing burnout while studying

17 Tips for Regaining Your Law School Motivation

Gavel in front of a world map

Why Study International Law?

Female lawyer and scales of justice

What Do Human Rights Lawyers Do?

Female college student studying in the library

Things You'll Learn During Law School

woman walking at a law school

How to Get Into a Top Law School With a Low LSAT Score

Female law student studying at home

Overcoming Bad Grades in Law School

Lady justice in front of law books

10 Best Books to Read Before Law School

Law student studying at a desk

How to Choose a Law School

Female law student highlighting in a notebook

Steps to Creating a Useful Outline in Law School

Lawyer reading a law book

How to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law School

Statue of justice

10 Reasons to Study Law

Books in a law library

The Best Law Books to Read Before Law School

Law student in the library

Things to Expect From Your First Year in Law School

Graduation cap and gavel

First Generation Law Student? Tips You Need to Know

The Legal Level Podcast Cover Art

How to Get Into Harvard Law School

Woman blowing up a balloon

Inflated LSAT Scores

Student working on law school applications

Law School Addendum Types & What To Include In Yours

Law students studying together

Applying to Law School Early Decision – Pros and Cons

Law school textbooks with gavel and scales

The Law School Waitlist – What You Can Do After Being Waitlisted

Symbol of justice in law school library

Classes Every Law School Hopeful Should Take

Law school textbooks

Law School Transfer – Reasons You Should (and Shouldn't) Transfer

Ornate law school library

Law School Rankings – What Matters and What Doesn't

Stack of law books in law library

Non-ABA Law Schools – Weighing the Pros and Cons

Glasses on law textbook

Dropping Out of Law School – What You Need to Consider

College students working together

Thinking About Pre-Law School? Benefits of a Pre-Law Major

Four backpackers overlooking a vista

What You Need to Know About Gap Years Before Law School

Student writing law school applications

What Do Law Schools Look For in an Applicant?

Lady justice

What to Look for in a Sports Law School

Judge looking at papers

How to Get a Clerkship – Application Advice