The Law School Post

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TestMax and International Bar Mentors logos

TestMax, Inc. Acquires International Bar Mentors to Supplement BarMax's Foreign Student Offerings

AI LSAT tutor

Can AI Be Your LSAT Tutor?

Lawyer looking over documents with hourglass

Character and Fitness: The Bar's Background Check

Control-F on the LSAT

How Should You Use CTRL-F on the LSAT?

Two people meeting to discuss law practice

Do "Informational Interviews" Actually Get Lawyers Jobs?

What's next for the LSAT on a postit note

So Now What Happens to LSAT?

American Bar Association Building

Long Live the LSAT?

Student taking notes during LSAT Logical Reasoning section

Bad LSAT Advice – Should I Use Scratch Paper on the Logical Reasoning Section?

Picture of calendar with LSAT exam date marked

New LSAT Dates, Same LSAT Games

Student taking an online LSAT practice exam

Bad LSAT Advice – How Many Practice Exams Should I Take Each Week?

Frowning face in a speech bubble

Bad Advice You've Gotten About the LSAT

Student taking practice LSAT

How do I establish my baseline LSAT score?

Three students talking outside of a law school building

Are We Witnessing a Law School Admissions Revolution?

Goodbye LSAT button on keyboard

Goodbye, LSAT?

Law School Admissions Test

A Glimpse of Logic Games' Future?

Logic Games and Numbers

Logic Games By the Numbers

Reading Comprehension icon

Reading Comprehension By the Numbers

Logical Reasoning and numbers

Logical Reasoning By the Numbers

methods of reasoning

Your LSAT Prescription for . . . Methods of Reasoning & Argument Structure

Sticker Shock

Sticker Shock — Some Law Schools Can Cost More than $100K to Attend

100th Episode Giveaway

The Legal Level Podcast 100th Episode Giveaway

Law school graduation cap on pile of cash

Everything You Need To Know About Grants and Scholarships for Law School

Must Be True

Your LSAT Prescription for . . . Must Be True Questions

Piggy bank on top of notebooks

How Much Does Law School Cost? Your Full Guide

Scantron test sheet

LSAT Flex Score Conversion: What You Need to Know


Your LSAT Prescription for . . . Strengthen with Sufficient/Necessary Premise Questions


What Happened with the Experimental Section on the June 2022 LSAT?

LSAT student and tutor in a tutoring session

Introducing BarMax's New Private LSAT Tutoring Dashboard

LSAT notebook

LSAT Format: Everything You Need to Know


Introducing LSATMax's New Private LSAT Tutoring Dashboard

BigLaw 101

BIGLAW 101: Links & Further Resources

New Years

2021 Top LSAT & Law School Stories

Students studying in a classroom

How to Explain an Unusual College Major in Your Law School Application

Law books stacked

15 Latin Legal Terms Every 1L Should Know

Gavel on top of books

Gap Year Jobs to Boost Your Law School Resume

Stack of books with magnifying glass and lady justice statue

How to Offset a Low GPA on Law School Applications