Many of you have friends who just finished their arduous task of bar exam prep a few weeks ago, and are now done with bar and off on exotic adventures. Soon, it will be your turn. You've dreaded that fact for a while now. Nonetheless, it's been easy watching those 2Ls and 3Ls above you give up week after week of socializing, sleeping and having fun in order to focus on their bar exam prep. You shrugged it off saying you've got time. That won't be you for a while. And now you open your eyes and see that 3L is upon you. Meaning, law school will soon be over and you, too, like those before you, will have to face the bar exam.
As you slowly wrap your head around this, we want to remind you not to get too comfortable with the exact structure that was recanted to you in tales of bar prep experiences from your friends. The bar exam is changing-new bar exam questions are forthcoming. The February 2015 exam will have a big addition to its current Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) topics: Civil Procedure (you'll find the subject matter outline for Civil Procedure below).
Let's have a quick review of the structure of the MBE and the various types of bar exam questions that can be found on it. The MBE has 200 multiple-choice questions, 190 of which are scored. Once Civil Procedure is added, the MBE will be divided into 27 Civil Procedure questions, 27 Constitutional law questions, 28 Contracts questions, 27 Criminal Law and Procedure questions, 27 Evidence questions, 27 Real Property questions, and 27 Torts questions.
Along with the addition of Civil Procedure to the MBE, the February 2015 bar exam will also have its Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) Federal Civil Procedure subject matter outline modified so it will be in keeping with the MBE Civil Procedure subject matter outline. This way both exams will have consistent Civil Procedure specifications.
Remember, there's not reason to fret. Sample Civil Procedure questions will be released this fall. You have plenty of time to prepare for this extra topic whether you are taking the February 2015 bar exam or the July 2015 bar exam. The bar exam is an evolving and ever-changing entity that will mold itself to the changing face of the law. It's inevitable that things will be added and tweaked as the years go by.
All you have to do is keep a tight study schedule and stick to your bar exam prep. Just make sure the materials you use are updated so that you can adequately prepare for the new arrivals come February 2015. You've got this!
Happy Studying!