Standardized Testing Penance for Fantasy Football Loser

Posted on Jan 10, 2014

I hope all you LSAT prep students out there are having a great Friday. Since it’s the start of the weekend, I thought I’d try and lighten your mood by telling you an interesting standardized test/fantasy football mash-up story that occurred recently.

Andrew Bean, a Ph.D. student in statistics at Ohio State University, is in a fantasy-football league with his eight of his friends every year. Their league is made up of graduate students, engineers, and attorneys. Doesn’t seem too odd yet, right? Well, the interesting thing about Mr. Bean’s fantasy-football league is the punishment for whoever finishes last place in the league. The anti-champion must take the SAT. This is not to say that they just need to take any SAT they find online in the comfort of their home with no time restrictions. They must sign up with College Board and sit for an official SAT. Not only does the penance for losing the league include taking the SAT, but it also includes having to share the score with the whole league. Just think how much worse it would be if the punishment was taking the LSAT!

Just as with the LSAT, anyone can sign up to take the SAT. You don’t have to be in high school. As long as you register, present a valid ID and pay $51, you can take it.

Last year Mr. Bean went head to head in the league’s anti-championship with his friend Steven Corey, a 23-year-old recent college graduate. Mr. Corey lost and had to be the first to sit for the SAT. He sat with his 16-year old sister, both taking the exam. Having not prepared at all, Mr. Corey scored in the 1500s (the SAT is out of 2400), scoring much lower than his younger sister.

This year, Mr. Bean was the unlucky loser of the league. He will be sitting for the March 2014 SAT—only a few weeks after he takes is Ph.D. qualifying exams. “I fully expect the results to be embarrassing,” says Mr. Bean.

So there you have it. At least you’re studying for an exam that is of use to you! That’s something, right? Hope you found this silly anecdote a nice break from your LSAT prep. At least now you know you’re not the only one dreading an upcoming entrance exam!

Happy Friday and Happy Studying!