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  • 99th Percentile Instructors
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  • Full Range of LSAT Topics Covered
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Our Live Class Portal is the largest library of topic specific LSAT prep content created by 99th-percentile tutors on the market. It is like having not one but many 99th-percentile LSAT tutors in your pocket, available to you 24/7.

This subscription is for students who have been preparing for the LSAT and can pinpoint their specific weaknesses. Take your weaknesses, jump into our Live Class Portal, filter by topic in the top right-hand corner and watch your target score become a reality!

New Content Added Daily Ensuring You Stay Up To Date.

Recent Schedule:
Sun Mar 23 at 11am
Principle: Strengthen Questions (Intermediate) with Nate
Wed Mar 26 at 4pm
How to Spend the Last Two Weeks Before the April LSAT (Plus Open Q&A) (Intermediate)
Mon Mar 24 at 7am
Open Q&A with Emil
Fri Mar 28 at 8am
Law School Applications with Rob
Sat Mar 29 at 10am
Attacking Flawed Arguments: LR Litigation with Emil
Sun Mar 30 at 10am
Must Be True Questions with Jordan
This LSAT prep service is superb. There are practice tests, 30 different categories of questions with hundreds of examples and most importantly, insightful and lengthy answer explanation, graph reports to chart progress, hundreds of recorded "Live" classes on every conceivable topic, and more. Worth every penny. I used it 6 hours a day for three months to study for the LSAT.
Nina - Nov 08 on Trustpilot
The course is organized in a really clear, easy-to-follow structure.
Mark - Oct 16 on Trustpilot
I have learned more with LSAT max in the past 2 weeks than trying to study alone for 2 months.
Nathan - Oct 15 on Trustpilot
I felt like I actually learned a lot from their course outside of the skills to do well on the LSAT. I feel like my critical thinking skills have significantly improved and I regularly apply what I learned on LSATMAX to arguments and readings I encounter regularly. Their curriculum is quite excellent. I went from scoring no higher than a 164 on practice tests after a couple months of study on my own using Khan Academy to getting a 173 on the test itself.
Brent - Sep 25 on Trustpilot
This is the program you need if you are not a confident standardized tester. I never thought I would be taking the LSAT. Then, when I finally realized I wanted to go to law school, I decided to tackle this exam. My cousin who used TestMax prep for her bar preparation recommended LSAT Max to me. I had a goal of 160, and I reached this goal today after taking the official exam only once. I am able to apply to my target school and feel confident in my score. LSAT Max was so helpful and unconventional. The tutors never made me feel stupid, nor did they suck up to LSAC. They tell it how it is, and make anyone believe they can reach their goal. I was not sucked into 7sage and other programs that nickle and dime you and tend to have an elitist ...
Grace - Sep 25 on Trustpilot
I started with a diagnostic score of 148 and after a couple of months of studying with only LSATMax, I scored 166 in September. They have video lessons on any topic you need and their analytics helped guide me to target my weaknesses and overcome them. Thank you LSATMax!!
Mary - Sep 25 on Trustpilot
I appreciated and benefitted from the foundational videos, which gave me a thorough understanding of the LSAT and an awareness of my own strengths and areas of weakness. The classes were also great, allowing for Q&A and providing helpful explanations of challenging questions. My score improved 9 points from my diagnostic to official exam, thanks to LSATMax!
Suzie - Jul 11 on Trustpilot
With the help of LSATMax and the personalized study schedule, I was able to raise my score in one month and achieve an additional scholarship.
Micah - Jul 05 on Trustpilot
It is very informational and organized.
Lisa - Jul 02 on Trustpilot
LSATMax provided an excellent curriculum with swift support and personalized service. The ability to talk to the founder via his cell phone is something not done anywhere else. I scored highly on my LSAT and plan on using BarMax in the future.
Ari - Jun 26 on Trustpilot
This was a fantastic experience. From the free call with Mehran to evaluate what my law school goals should be to the consistent care from Nate in assisting with both my LSAT and application essays, LSATMax was professional, helpful, and caring. I was able to increase my score from a 163 to a 172 and have been accepted to top law schools.
Michael - Jun 26 on Trustpilot
Great tutors
Mary - Jun 23 on Trustpilot
The video instruction is very clear and is helping me to stratigize. I have seen improvement in my skills. The only issue I have had is that the Intro to Reading Comprehension confused me a bit, and I think my performance on that may have declined.
Riley - Jun 11 on Trustpilot
An incredible resource that is well organized, full of information and is easy to navigate. The team responds quickly to any .questions related to the website and the website itself is well built. The lessons provided are insightful, as are the live instructions, and there is a plethora of study material available. I highly recommend to anyone hoping to reach their LSAT score
P. - May 09 on Trustpilot
The price of tutoring and self-study materials is relatively affordable compared to other LSAT prep materials out there. I highly recommend their tutoring as it has helped me personalize my study and focus on areas that I have most difficulty and begin to improve in those areas specifically. Overall my experience has been great!
Abraham - May 08 on Trustpilot

LSATMax Comprehensive LSAT Courses

Our flexible comprehensive course packages give you everything you'll need to prepare for the LSAT and raise your score.