With the July 2012 bar exam around the corner, here is some last minute advice to help you get through it and do your very best.
First and foremost, GET ORGANIZED. Create a checklist of the things you will need for the bar exam and make sure you have everything. Then double check just to be sure. The last thing you need at this point is to forget your laptop charger or even worse, your photo ID.
Here are some things you might want to consider:
- Photo ID
- Admission ticket
- Laptop
- Laptop charger
- Pencils
- Pens
- Highlighters
- Ear plugs
- Water
- Gum
- Snacks
- Sweater
Next, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING. If you live close to your exam site, take a drive to the test center this weekend. If you are taking the bar exam in a random place that you have never been before, use street view in Google Maps to find your test center and get comfortable with the surroundings.
While you are checking out the test center location, PLAN AHEAD FOR LUNCH. Is there food within walking distance of the test center? If there is not, you might want to consider packing your lunch because getting in-and-out of the test center parking lot during lunchtime will be very time-consuming and frustrating at some locations.
TRY TO RELAX THIS WEEKEND. We realize that this is not going to be easy, but staying calm is imperative to your success. You are prepared and you know enough material to be successful. There is nothing wrong with reviewing some material this weekend, but you should also make sure to do something relaxing. Go for a walk, have dinner at your favorite restaurant, or watch a movie with some friends and/or family.
Most importantly, whatever you do, DO NOT PANIC during the bar exam. No matter who you are or how much you have prepared, there are going to be questions on the exam that you simply do not know the answer to and exceptions to exceptions that you won't remember.
So what? You need a 65% to pass the bar exam and that is nowhere near perfect. In fact, it is a 'D.' Please keep this in mind and fight through any perceived adversity. And remember, worst-case scenario, just make up a law, apply it to the facts, and draw a conclusion.
We wish you nothing but the best next week!