Which one of the following could be an accurate account of all the kinds of material recycled at each recycling cente...

kirbyjohn on November 25, 2017

Conclusion exaplantion

I am confused about some of the conclusions and deductions. I️t is stated that if you're not recycled in center 1 then you can't be recycled in center 2. Then I️t is stated that plastic can only be in 1 or 3. I may be understanding this wrong. So is the question basically stating that everything in 1 has to be in 2, but not vice versa. So that's why 1 can have plastic because I️t wouldn't be in center 2, but if center 2 has P, center 1 definitely has to have plastic and that would nullify the condition.

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Mehran on November 27, 2017

Hi @kirbyjohn, thanks for your post. Have you had a chance to review the video explanation for this game? It may answer your query. Let us know if it does not! Best of luck.

Iye-Ogbe on October 5, 2018

this is all wrong . i am trying to take the lsat practice test and it's giving me answer choices that have nothing to do with the question

Skylar on July 12, 2020

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