If Limelight is shown exactly three times, Harvest is shown exactly twice, and Greed is shown exactly once, then whic...

MsLaurenLorde on January 13, 2018

Don't get it

The rules state harvest had to be shown last on Thursday

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Mehran on January 15, 2018

Hi @MsLaurenLorde, thanks for your post. There is a video explanation available for this game; if you click "view" and then hit the little "play" button (the right arrowhead), you can watch our setup explanation.

Hope this helps.

mochacoco27 on March 17, 2018

The rules ask about a list of movies that can be shown FIRST. This got me too.

alumpbrathwaite on November 8, 2019

Hi Mehran, I watched the game setup and I still don't see how this is possible when H had to be last based on the conditions.

Miguel on March 10, 2020

Actually, in the official Answer Key, the correct answer is D.

Ben-Couse on October 16, 2020

In the video explanation you have L/G after H when nothing can come after H

kelscort16 on January 15, 2021

I believe he was just writing the second scenario on the opposite side, not paying attention to putting things before/after H.