September 2009 LSAT
Section 2
Question 16
The passage most directly answers which one of the following questions?
Jaimee-Salgado on August 14, 2018
I'm also curious about the question type. Can someone please explain?cgeorgantas7 on October 8, 2018
This question type also tripped me up. Can someone explain the best way to go about answering this?
GLEE on October 17, 2018
Same, I also would like to know how to answer this!
Mehran on October 17, 2018
@hallerae @Jaimee-Salgado @GLEE this is Must Be True question so if you are selecting an answer choice here, you should be able to point to the part of the passage that directly answers the question in the answer choice.Let's take a look at (B):
Do proponents of the tangible-object theory of intellectual property hold that ownership of anything besides real estate can involve retained rights?
The answer to this question is yes and it is answered in lines 24-34:
"Applying the notion of retained rights to the domain of intellectual property, theorists [proponents of the tangible-object theory] argue that copyrighting a work secures official recognition of one's intention to retain certain rights to that work. Among the rights typically retained by the original producer of an object such as a literary manuscript or a musical score would be the right to copy the object for profit and the right to use it as a guide for the production of similar or analogous things - for example, a public performance of a musical score."
Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Irene-Vera on April 24, 2019
Where does it talk about or give the implication that retained rights doesn't not apply to real estate? That's what threw me off and led me to think that B was wrong.
Victoria on April 28, 2019
Hi @Irene-Vera,Answer choice B says that the passage answers this question: "Do proponents of the tangible-object theory of intellectual property hold that ownership of anything besides real estate can involve retained rights?" Therefore, we are looking for a section where the passage says that these theorists believe that retained rights apply to a field other than real estate.
This is discussed between lines 21 and 28:
"This notion of retained rights is common in many areas of law; for example the seller of a piece of land may retain certain rights to the land in the form of easements or building restrictions." This is where the passage states that retained rights applies to real estate.
The passage then continues:
"Applying the notion of retained rights to the domain of intellectual property, theorists [proponents of the tangible-object theory of intellectual property], argue that copyrighting a work secures official recognition of one's intention to retain certain rights to that work." This states that retained rights apply to the domain of intellectual property and, therefore, apply to a field besides real estate, thus answering the question posed by answer choice B.
Hope this was helpful! Let us know if you have any further questions!