Tax reformer: The proposed tax reform legislation is being criticized by political groups on the right for being too ...

hannah93092 on May 26, 2018

(D) and (E)

Hello - having difficulties understanding the difference between (D) and (E). Seems like negating both would destroy the argument - would appreciate some insight. Thanks!

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Anita on May 26, 2018

@hannah93092 D tells us that there's an assumption that the bill wasn't designed to satisfy either. We don't actually know from the prompt why or how the bill was drafted. Perhaps it WAS drafted to satisfy one. Let's say it was drafted for the right, but ended up being too specific for their tastes. That still leaves open the rest of the argument that it is framed just as it should be.

E on the other hand gives us the option of taking away the premise that something cannot be both too specific and too vague by saying that there are parts that are each. That would destroy the argument altogether!