December 2004 LSAT
Section 3
Question 5
It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to view a shift toward a more long–term pers...

Mehran on May 27, 2018
Hey @joshuavt, thanks for your post.There are two problems with answer choice (E). First, the phrase "after a disaster" - to the contrary, the proposal outlined in the passage talks about the role that aid recipients ought to play *well before* any disaster. See, e.g., lines 38 - "long before the onset of a crisis" - and 42-44 - "aid takes the form of a response to the [already] stated series of those affected rather than an immediate, though less informed, action on their behalf."
The other problem with answer choice (E) is that the passage overall does not advocate for a reduced role for donors - the money for aid has to come from somewhere, and it's not as though the author of this passage is advocating a fundamental shift in disaster relief such that affected communities bear the burden of funding themselves. The author of the passage mentions donors to point out the need for the cooperation of this "important constituency" (line 46) to "develop a more effective approach" (line 31) to aid.
Answer choice (A) is supported in the passage - "a shared interest in relief efforts that are effective and well managed." The entire second paragraph of the passage lays out some of the pitfalls to be expected under the current approach to disaster relief, which sets up the author's alternative proposal nicely.
Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

joshuavt on May 28, 2018
Thank you so much for your explanation!