October 2010 LSAT
Section 1
Question 18
The authors would be most likely to disagree over
Anita on June 16, 2018
@meisen C is the correct answer because we can determine what each of the authors think of this, and they disagree. A seems to believe what B questions: that animal responses are merely reflexes and are inherently different from humans'. B specifically questions the qualitative versus quantitative differences in the last paragraph. Seeing these two, we can determine that C is the correct answer.Steph on March 16, 2019
Why would Passage A be considered quantitative?saskipper on May 29, 2020
^^Paytonjd on July 10, 2023
What do they even mean when they say "qualitatively or merely in a matter of degree"?Emil-Kunkin on July 10, 2023
Hi, qualitative would be a different in kind (e.g. a horse is not a zebra) while degree would be a matter of how much (e.g. 1 horse or a flock)