June 2010 LSAT
Section 5
Question 24
Which one of the following is given by the passage as a reason for the difficulty a lawyer would have in determining ...
Christopher on June 6, 2018
The reason the answers are using "some" and "most" is because they're designed to test the setup you composed based on the stimuli, and to some extent, it's to throw you off a bit. Many, some, and most are words we throw around a lot but rarely use accurately. The LSAT writers take advantage of that fact. Ultimately, the many, some, and mosts don't really come into play in this question.(B) is the correct answer because it flies in the face of the logic presented in the question. GS ==> LM ==> DPSC ==> CC is what we got when we diagrammed the transitive property, so what if, as (B) suggests, someone "does not derive pleasure from the satisfaction of their curiosity?" Not DPSC ==> not LM ==> not GS. (B) cannot be true because, according to this passage, if you do not derive pleasure from the satisfaction of your curiosity, you are not a good student.
Does that clear it up?
Ceci on September 17, 2018
I think I'm going about these wrong. I watched the video and went to the question. I'm currently on question 8 and have not gotten a single question correct. Everything I think can't be true, it's another answer because of something that wasn't mentioned, or something that is totally broad and I'm just not grasping this. Are there any clues or hints that I should follow? (i.e. on strengthen questions, if it says "which of the following, if true, most supports..." it's usually the most out there response because that "if true" means it can be almost anything). Please help :(Mehran on September 18, 2018
@Ceci remember, if you are picking an answer choice on a Cannot Be True question, you should be able to point to the part of the stimulus it contradicts. If something is not discussed, it is possible.We are looking for something that directly contradicts.
Does that help?
Ceci on September 18, 2018
Yes thank you! I'll try that out!Ceci on September 18, 2018
Okay, just a tip for everyone else because that EXTREMELY helped me, read the passage then go to answer A, and see where it is in the passage, select it or do the same thing to answer B, and so on. I was trying to do it based off what I remembered the passage said, because that's usually how we answer questions, but since these twist with your brain (has to not be righ twhen you're so used to looking for what IS right) it's so worth it to lose the 30 seconds but getting the answer right. It takes more time but after 15 practice questions wrong, I FINALLY started getting these right! Thank you Mehran!!