October 2010 LSAT
Section 1
Question 27
Christopher on June 6, 2018
@Indy5 The rules in each question do not stack. The hypothetical in question 2 is based on the addition of "if Jones views the site on day 1" phrase. Since if Jones goes on day 1, Hall must be day 2 is an established rule, Hall is in position 2. That is handy when we get to question 4 because it asks for another hypothetical based on the addition of "if Hall views the site on day 2." We have the hypothetical from question 2 to start with, which helps us conclude that Moss is necessary. However, just because J1 ==> H2 does not mean H2 ==> J1, and the "Jones is day 1" hypothetical only applies to question 2. Therefore, Jones can be elsewhere, even though Hall is in 2.Indy5 on June 7, 2018
Yes thank you. I think I just assumed that H2 ==> J1, which messed up my diagram.