The author uses the word "immediacy" (line 39) most likely in order to express

Madelyn-Luskey on June 9, 2018

Example 4

I understand why (A) is not the correct system, but the video explains that we don't know if the Greek marketplaces had monetary systems. I'm confused by this because the last sentence states, "...goods were traded there either for money or for commodities." Please explain why that part of the answer choice is deemed incorrect.

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Christopher on June 10, 2018


This is a good illustration of the trickiness of some sufficient and necessary questions. The argument structure is that
MS ==> MP and GC ==> MP. So if you have a city that has no marketplace it cannot be a Greek city and it cannot have a monetary system. However, not every place that had a Marketplace had to have a monetary system. Therefore, it is possible that you could have a Greek city that had a Marketplace but had not developed a monetary system.

That is why, in the video, Mehran says that even though we know Greek cities have Marketplaces, we cannot, with the given information, reverse the logic of MS ==> MP to conclude that Greek cities had monetary systems. The final sentence says that at the Greek cities' marketplaces "goods were traded EITHER for money or for commodities," suggesting that some Greek cities had monetary systems, but that does not mean that every Greek city that had a Marketplace (which was all of them) had a monetary system.

Does that make sense? on July 6, 2022

Thank you for the response, I was confused on that as well. I understood that it was incorrect, but was also confused by the reasoning in the video.