The passage states which one of the following?

EmilyMarieMenendez on June 14, 2018

Question 7: Must Be True Lecture

Hello, I am still a bit confused about question 7 in the Must Be True lesson. I understand why all of the other answer choices are wrong, however, I am still not getting why E is correct. Is answer choice E saying "No quasar that has ever been seen from Earth exists any longer" than 100 million years? Or exist any longer as of right now? Thank you, Emily Menendez

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Christopher on June 15, 2018


You're second interpretation is correct. "Any longer" is taken to mean "no longer exists." (E) which reads, "No quasar that has ever been seen from Earth exists any longer" can just as accurately be read "Any quasar that has ever been seen from Earth no longer exists."

What seems to be tripping you up is the language "exists any longer" could continue "exists any longer than a particular amount of time," but you've got to remember that all that matters is exactly what's written on the page. Don't add a "than" to the end of the statement, because there isn't a "than" there. Does that make sense?