Consumer advocate: The toy–labeling law should require manufacturers to provide explicit safety labels on toys to ...

bdeckel on July 20, 2018

Please Explain

I was between C and B and choose C because I ran out of time to double check. Can you please explain both answer choices and why B is correct?

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Christopher on July 28, 2018

@bdeckel, (C) is largely irrelevant to the larger discussion. The question talks about the 3 and under age group as an example of how toys are labeled. However, the argument doesn't depend on the number of injuries related to that age range.

(B) provides an explanation as to why an explicit description of a toy's hazardous risks would help prevent injury. If it were true that parents associate the age recommendations on toys with level of cognitive skill, then it's possible that many parents are giving kids toys that are recommended for kids older than their kids (my kid is advanced enough to understand the risks) without understanding what the actual risks that are associated with the toy is.

For example, they may assume the risk is choking while the actual risk is electrocution, and while they may think their kid is cognitively advanced enough not to choke, the kid may not understand the risks associated with electricity.

Does that make sense?