Reporting on a civil war, a journalist encountered evidence that refugees were starving because the government would ...

smilde11 on July 26, 2018

PT 16, S3, Q23

I don't really understand the question stem, nor do I understand why the answer is D. Could you please break this down? Thank you!

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Christopher on July 27, 2018

@smilde11, this is essentially a principle question that replaces "logic" with "ethics" to make it seem more complicated than it is. The question stem, then, is asking for which principle supports the journalist's decision to publish the article despite the censorship.

(D) provides that principle. It explains why the journalist had a decision to make at all by saying it is generally unethical to publish censored reports and ethical to publish factually complete reports. However, it includes the caveat, "unless the recipient of the report is warned that censorship existed." Since the journalist knew that the newspaper would indicate that the article had been through government censors, he or she was ethically justified in publishing the censored piece.

Does that help?