Any literary translation is a compromise between two goals that cannot be entirely reconciled: faithfulness to the me...

Jaimee-Salgado on October 14, 2018

Why is D the correct answer?

Can you explain D is the correct answer and not C?

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SamBaucom on October 26, 2018

Explain why not E?

Jacob-R on October 26, 2018

Let’s start by mapping out the logic of the question.

Premise 1: Translation is compromise between:
faithfulness to text and faithfulness to author’s style.

Premise 2: These goals can’t be reconciled.

Conclusion: Translation will be a flawed approximation of an original work.

Notice there is a gap in the logic. We have information about compromise between two goals, and information about the fact that those goals can’t be entirely reconciled. But we don’t know why that lack of reconciliation means that a translation is a “flawed approximation.”

C is incorrect because it doesn’t create a linkage between can’t reconcile -> flawed approximation. Instead, it only states that the best translation won’t necessary be the most balanced compromise between the two goals.

E is incorrect because it doesn’t create the linkage either. It instead just reaffirms the premise: one cannot entirely reconcile text and style.

I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have further questions.