October 2010 LSAT
Section 3
Question 15
Often a type of organ or body structure is the only physically feasible means of accomplishing a given task, so it sh...

Mehran on October 17, 2018
@Thomas-Siwula sure!The stimulus sets forth information about certain types of organs or body structures, such as eyes or wings, evolving at different times in a number of completely unrelated species.
The last sentence then states, "After all, whatever the difference of heritage and habitat, as organisms animals have fundamentally similar needs and so . . . "
The logical completion of this last sentence would have something to do with animals evolving similar organs/body structures to satisfy these similar needs. The need for sight, for example, is a need shared by many animals.
This is an Argument Completion question so we are looking for the answer choice that serves as a logical completion to the passage.
(B) completes the last sentence as follows:
"After all, whatever the difference of heritage and habitat, as organisms animals have fundamentally similar needs and so will in many instances evolve similar adaptations enabling them to satisfy these needs."
This serves as the most logical completion for the last sentence of the passage so (B) would be the correct answer.
Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Ro13 on November 8, 2018
is what makes C wrong is the fact that it states develop rather than evolve?Thank you!

Jacob-R on November 9, 2018
Hi @Ro13No, the problem with C is not that it states develop rather than evolve. As Mehran discusses above, we need to find some completion that has to do with different animals evolving /similar/ organs/adaptations to satisfy similar needs. On that point, C does not say anything about similar adaptations — it just says adaptations. So it could just as easily be dramatically different adaptations, and that would not logically complete the last sentence given what came before. That is why answer B is correct, instead.
I hope that helps! Please let us know if you have further questions.
charlierusso04 on September 2, 2019
I am a bit confused with this question. It says in the passage that like "wings and eyes". Don't animals develop and evolve differently. Take eating for example. Every living thing needs to do it. A bird can develop a type of beak that helps them eat their pray better. For a Monkey we don't see the same evolution happen. They both evolve in order to eat better, but in different ways. So answer choice "B" says they will develop similar adaptations. How can they develop similar adaptations when they are different? Is it not about the specific adaptations like a beak or increased sized mouth but rather that they both develop something to help them eat? Im just a bit confused between "C" and "B", and how for other questions if there is a good way to distinguish the best answer? thanks.
shunhe on December 31, 2019
Hi @charlierusso04,I think that "similar adaptations" here does refer to more general adaptations, such as the development of whatever the mouth organ is to be able to most efficiently extract nutrients from the animal's food sources, such as a beak in a bird. I think the best distinguishes between (B) and (C) is (C)'s mention of the similar adaptations, and (C)'s lack of discussing this topic. Hope this answers your question.