Which one of the following is given by the passage as a reason for the difficulty a lawyer would have in determining ...

tyler.channell7@gmail.com on October 19, 2018

Tips for this section

Must be True and Cannot be True are by far my worse section to date. I was wondering if there were any tips to help me improve. Thanks

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Mehran on October 20, 2018

Hi @tyler.channell7@gmail.com, thanks for your post. "Must Be True" questions are asking you to select the answer that has direct textual support. Not the answer that "could be true" or the answer that "cannot be true" - but rather, the answer that is directly textually supported. "Cannot Be True" / "Must Be False" questions are asking you to select the answer that is *contradicted* by the text. Not the answer that "could be true" or the answer that "must be true" - rather, the answer that is literally contradicted by the given text.

Practice makes perfect on these. Let us know if you have questions on specific examples and we can try to help you hone the necessary skills.

tyler.channell7@gmail.com on October 23, 2018

Does it help to diagram all the Must Be True/ Cannot Be True questions? Maybe that is the reason why I got many of the wrong because I didn't map out all of them..