September 2017 LSAT
Section 1
Question 19
Some species of tarantula make good pets. However, no creature with poison fangs makes a good pet. Therefore, not all...

Ravi on December 23, 2018
@carysdavies,Great question. In mapping the stimulus, we have
tarantula - -some - -good pet - ->/poison fangs
The stimulus then concludes that not all tarantula species have poison fangs
tarantula - -some - -/poison fangs
in translating the conclusion, make sure you negate the conditional statement properly.
The conclusion reads not (tarantula - ->poison fangs)
This is a negation of this conditional statement, which means there is at least one tarantula that doesn't have poison fangs
tarantula and /poison fangs
This means the same thing as tarantula - -some - -/poison fangs
The basic structure of the stimulus is A some B, B - ->C, therefore A some C
This is a valid argument form.
Answer choice A states that none of the poetry written by Strawn has a regular meter.
poetry Strawn - ->/regular meter
It also states that some of the poems in this collection have a regular meter
poems in this collection - -some - -regular meter
In order to link the two premises together, we need to take the contrapositive of the first premise
regular meter - ->/poetry Strawn
We can now link this up with the second premise, so we have
poems in this collection - -some - -regular meter - ->/poetry Strawn
So far, we have A some B, B - ->C. What do we need for it to match the stimulus? We need A some C
So, if it says poems in this collection - -some - -/poetry Strawn, then we have our answer
The conclusion of A says at least some poems in this collection were not written by Strawn.
A - -some - -/poetry Strawn
This is exactly what we needed (we needed A some C), so this is our answer.
The key for this problem is to take the contrapositive of the first premise in answer A so that you can clearly see the link that the two premises make between A (poems in this collection) and C (poetry not written by Strawn)
Does this help? Let us know if you have more questions!