The author uses the word "immediacy" (line 39) most likely in order to express

m_salas12 on February 6, 2019

For Question 8

When coming up with the setup and extracting the logic from the passage, I noted that the argument was flawed because of negation and that it was attempting to invoke the necessary condition of the contrapositive to conclude the sufficient condition of the contrapositive. Is this wrong?

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Ravi on February 6, 2019


Great question.

Your analysis of the argument is correct. You could also say that it's
flawed because it's failing the sufficient condition of the argument
and concluding that the necessary condition must be failed as a
result. Your way of saying that it was attempting to invoke the
necessary condition of the contrapositive to conclude the sufficient
condition of the contrapositive means the same thing as what I wrote,
so either is fine. Whichever one you enjoy is fine.

I would personally just not that they failed the sufficient and
concluded that the necessary condition must be failed as a result
because that's easier for me to see, but if it's easier for you to see
it when looking at the contrapositive, then by all means...keep doing

It sounds like you're understanding what's going on, so that's what
matters, as it'll help you get other questions like this correct.

Does this make sense? Let us know if you have any other questions!