Most people in the United States view neither big nor small business as particularly efficient or dynamic and regard ...

Steph on April 13, 2019

Please explain

Hi, Can you please explain this question?

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Julie-V on August 27, 2019

Could you explain why (E) would be the best answer? I chose it during my blind review but i'm not 100% confident with my reasoning. Thanks!

Emil-Kunkin on August 26 at 01:41AM

The passage tells us that while people see both big and small businesses as equally good in terms of goods and services, they are more likely to rate big businesses as not responsible socially in bad times. This suggests that there is a difference is how people see the social responsibility of big and small business. It also shows that there must be a difference between social responsibility and providing good service at a good price. If big businesses are seen as doing one without the other, then they cannot be the same thing.