June 2010 LSAT
Section 2
Question 5
If Quilting is given in the morning, then which one of the following workshops CANNOT be given on Thursday?


Ravi on May 7, 2019
@jskaggs,Great question. The scenario you've listed violates the third rule of
the game, which states, "Quilting must be given on an earlier day than
both Kite- making and Needlepoint."
The third rule means that Q must be at least one day before K and N.
In your scenario, you have Q and N on the same day (Wednesday), so
this violates the third rule and can't be a possibility,
Does that make sense? Let us know if you have any other questions!

Anna20 on August 10, 2020
Hi team - apologies, I think I am missing something here (but unfortunately can't figure out what). I didn't see the Guru set up, when I went through the game, and doubt I would on test day, so I plugged in the various options.The two diagrams I had for this were:
W: Q , N/S
Th: K , J
F: N/S , R
W: Q , N/S
Th: N/S , R
F: K , J
I am not seeing why N can't go on Thursday based on the rules - as long as you have either RS or RN together? To me this appears in line with each of the rules...

Emil-Kunkin on January 6, 2024
The answer is S, not N. N could go on Thursday, but s cannot, because that would force Q and N on the same day,