October 2004 LSAT
Section 3
Question 13
Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the discoverers of the five sites, listed in the order in whi...


Ravi on May 16, 2019
@jamesteemartin,I'm sorry to hear that. The team is working diligently on adding as
many video explanations as possible. Feel free to direct any support
related issues to our support staff by tapping "support" from the left
menu or by calling 855.483.7862 ext. 2 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm PT. I'll
also let them know that you'd like a video for this one.
In the meantime, I'm happy to provide a written explanation for this game.
We know there are 5 archeological sites, and that each was discovered
by F, G, or O. We also know that each of these sites dates from the
8th, 9th, or 10th centuries.
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
1 3 5
The bottom row will be filled with F, G, or O, and the top row will be
filled with 8, 9, or 10 (denoting the centuries).
Rule 1 says the 2nd site dates from the 9th century
1) 2nd site - >9th
_ 9 _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Rule 2 says O didn't discover the 4th or 5th site. This means that
either F or G discovered the 4th or 5th site.
2) 4th and 5th - >F/G
_ 9 _ _ _
_ _ _ F/G/F/G
Rule 3 says G discovered 1 site, and it's from the 10th century
3) G - >10 and G ex. 1
The contrapositive for this rule is if the site doesn't date from the
10th century, then G didn't discover it. This means that for site 2, F
or O discovered it since it's from the 9th century
Rule 4 says if a site dates from the 8th century, then it was dicovered by O
4) 8 - >O
The contrapositive for this rule is that if O didn't discover a site, then
the site doesn't date to the 8th century.
We know that sites 4 and 5 were discovered by F or G, so now we know
that these sites are from the 9th or 10th century.
_ 9 _ 9/10 9/10
_ F/O_ F/G F/G
The 5th rule tells us that the 3rd site dates from a more recent
century than either the 1st or 4th site
3rd more recent than either 1st or 4th
We know more recent centuries have higher numbers (e.g., the 10th
century is more recent than the 9th century), so in looking at our
board, we see that the 4th site is from the 9th or 10th century. We
know the 3rd has to be more recent, so the only way that can be true
is if the 3rd site is from the 10th century and the 4th is from the
9th century. This also means that the 1st site has to be from the 8th
or 9th century.
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
_ F/O _ F/G F/G
What other inferences can we make with the rules we have? Let's see.
For the first site, we know that it's from the 8th or 9th century.
From rule 3, we know that if a site isn't from the 10th century, G
didn't discover it, so F or O discovered site 1. We also know from
earlier that if we see a G, then there has to be a 10 with it. Since
site 4 has a 9, this means that site 4 has F, not G.
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
F/O F/O _ F F/G
Question 13 says, "Which one of the following could be an accurate
list of the discoverers of the five sites, listed in the order in
which the sites are visited?"
(A) Oliphant, Oliphant, Gallagher, Oliphant, Ferrara
(B) Gallagher, Oliphant, Ferrara, Ferrara, Ferrara
(C) Oliphant, Gallagher, Oliphant, Ferrara, Ferrara
(D) Oliphant, Oliphant, Gallagher, Ferrara, Gallagher
(E) Ferrara, Oliphant, Gallagher, Ferrara, Ferrara
We know G goes only once, so (D) is out. We also know that G can only
go in 3 or 5, so (B) and (C) are out. This leaves us with (A) and (E).
In looking at our board, we know that F is in site 4, and (A) has O in
site 4, so it's out. This leaves us with (E) as the correct answer.
Question 14 says, "If exactly one of the five sites the tour group
visits dates from the tenth century, then which one of the following
CANNOT be a site that was discovered by Ferrara?"
(A) the site visited first
(B) the site visited second
(C) the site visited third
(D) the site visited fourth
(E) the site visited fifth
We now know that site 5 is a 9 since there's only one 10. Also, we
have to have 1 G, so the G has to go in site 3.
8/9 9 10 9 9
We now know that site 5 is a 9 since there's only one 10. We know that
site 3 can't be discovered by F, and this is exactly what (C) says, so
it's the correct answer.
Question 15 says, "Which one of the following could be a site that
dates from the eighth century?"
(A) the site visited first
(B) the site visited second
(C) the site visited third
(D) the site visited fourth
(E) the site visited fifth
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
F/O F/O _ F F/G
In looking at our board, only the first site could be from the 8th
century, so (A) is the correct answer choice.
Question 16 says, "Which one of the following is a complete and
accurate list of the sites each of which CANNOT be the site discovered
by Gallagher?"
(A) third, fourth, fifth
(B) second, third, fourth
(C) first, fourth, fifth
(D) first, second, fifth
(E) first, second, fourth
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
F/O F/O _ F F/G
We know G can't be in 1, 2, and 4 from our game board. This leaves us
with (E), which is the correct answer choice.
Question 17 says, "The tour group could visit at most how many sites
that were discovered by Ferrara?"
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
(E) five
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
F/O F/O _ F F/G
The rules never tell us that O has to even appear in the game, so we
can put in F as many times as possible as long as we have one spot for
8/9 9 10 9 9/10
This leaves us with 4 Fs and 1 G, so (D) is the correct answer choice.
I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions—we're
here to help!
ishadoshi on May 13, 2020
It seems to have been over one a year since the post by James and there is still no video explanation. I have seen so many instances in the message boards where people have asked for video explanations for the logical reasoning questions and your team's responses have been 'there are no video explanations because LR is not visual in nature, we provide video explanations for visual questions like logic games'. I don't seem that happening here even after you received feedback from a student who said there should be one. When you place so much emphasis on 'reviewing' the questions, I think you should also work more deliberately towards facilitating the provision of services that enable effective review for us. The LSAT is a hard enough exam already, after paying so much money to prepare for it, I don't think it's wrong for us to expect and ask for basic things like video explanations to simple logic games.Apologies if this sounds harsh, but hoping you take this feedback into consideration and act upon it quickly.