The author states which one of the following about computer displays used in trial proceedings?

Shiyi-Zhang on May 17, 2019

Why is E incorrect?

Why is E incorrect?

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shunhe on January 11, 2020

Hi @Shiyi,

Thanks for the question! This is a tricky answer to this question. (E) tells us that litigators who utilize computer-generated displays must ensure that the opposing side has equal access to such technology. One big problem with this, however, is that the author doesn’t think it’s the litigators that should be doing this. Take a look at the last paragraph. We’re told that counsel should analyze data diligently be alert to the misuse of data in lines 49-51. But then, we’re told that judges should be vigilant in assessing the displays they allow, and forewarn jurors of potentially biased nature of computer-generated evidence in lines 54-56. We’re then told that “steps should be taken” to ensure that if one side utilizes computer technology, the opposing side also has access, and the passage suggests granting financial aid (lines 56-60). This comes in the section that talks about the responsibility of the judges, not the litigators (who are counsel). Also, it doesn’t really make sense for one side to provide financial aid to another—this is talking about a duty of the courts, and so (E) is wrong for this reason. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask further questions if you have them.