Educator: Only those students who are genuinely curious about a topic can successfully learn about that topic. They ...

JRO on May 25, 2019

Question #41

Why is the answer A?

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shunhe on January 4, 2020

Hi @JRO,

Thanks for the question. Let's take a look at the stimulus. We have a premise that says essentially that

Successfully learn - > genuinely curious

But we're also told that very few children have sufficient curiosity to learn successfully what teachers teach. What, then, do teachers need to do? Clearly, it has something to do with making sure those children to have enough curiosity. This is what (A) tells us. In order for a teacher's job to fulfill its goals (the education of the students), the teacher must both stimulate (or create/dig up) and satisfy students' curiosities. Otherwise, if curiosity isn't stimulated, the children still won't have sufficient curiosity, and we can infer from the contrapositive of the first premise that

~Genuinely curious - > ~Successfully learn

Which wouldn't fulfill the teacher's goals. Hope this helps!