A salesperson who makes a sale does not change the desires of the customer. Rather, the salesperson finds out what th...

JRO on May 25, 2019

Question #58

Why is the answer E and not C?

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shunhe on December 27, 2019

Hi @JRO,

We're trying to build an analogy here between the case of the salesperson and the case of the political campaigner. According to the stimulus, salespeople don't change desires; instead, they appeal to desires that customers have, showing how their products meet the customers' needs. To draw an analogy to the political campaigner, we ant something similar. The political campaigner shouldn't change people's policy preferences; instead, they should appeal to the policy preferences voters have, showing how their candidate will pass policies that those voters want. Looking through the answer choices, (E) gives us exactly this information, and this is why (E) is the best answer.

(C), on the other hand, gives us the opposite of what we want. (C) tells us that the political campaigner would try to convince the voter that the political candidate's policies are preferable. But this is an attempt to change the policy preferences of the voter, which is akin to changing the desires of a customer. Thus, (C) breaks the analogy.