Carrillo: Using the number of existing primate species, along with measures of the genetic diversity among these prim...

namyasandal on June 16, 2019

Why D and not B?

I had interpreted their disagreement was best described by B. I don't understand how D is correct. I did not get the implication that Carrillo disagreed with Olson's date on the fossils. Even if those were the oldest fossils found, that does not necessarily mean that they are the very first and that Carrillo's method of calculation is incorrect. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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namyasandal on June 16, 2019

Please disregard my earlier message, I had misread the evaluation. My apologies!

eishamaqbool on July 11, 2021

why can't it be d

Emil-Kunkin on June 21, 2023

Hi. We don't know if O actually thinks the date is wrong, only that the process used to get to it was bad. We know for sure they disagree that the process was good, but something that is speculation can ultimately be correct, even if the process is bad.