The passage most strongly supports the inference that the author would agree with which one of the following statemen...

Shiyi-Zhang on July 2, 2019

Why is C correct?

What does the text refer to?

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Ravi on July 2, 2019


Happy to help. Let's look at (C).

(C) says, "It should be interesting not only because of its account of
Tucker’s career, but also because of the significant information it
provides regarding U.S. entertainment history."

Based on the last line of the passage, we can assume that the text
introduced is the author's study of Tucker's life. Think about the
main point of the passage. The main point is that the author's study
will help to fill in gaps in the existing historical record regarding
a largely overlooked part of U.S. entertainment history. From this, we
can infer that the author would be quite likely to agree with (C), a
sit says that the passage is interesting not only because of its
account of Tucker's career, but also because of the significant
information it provides regarding an overlooked part of U.S.
entertainment history. Thus, (C) is the correct answer choice.

Does this answer your question? Let us know if you'd like further clarification!