Which one of the following statements most accurately characterizes a difference between the two passages?

happyJuan on July 3, 2019

I did not receive accompanying pdf for the intro to logical reasoning video

can you please resend.

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happyJuan on July 7, 2019

What is the point of the flash cards available at the bottom intro to logical reasoning video. I notice the questions but not sure how to proceed or how to look up answer as there is no reading material attached

Ravi on July 7, 2019


That's a great question. Feel free to direct any support related
issues to our support staff by tapping "support" from the left menu or
by calling 855.483.7862 ext. 2 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm PT.

Our support channels are a much faster way to resolve these type of
issues. The boards are primarily for questions on LSAT problems.

Regarding the flashcards at the bottom of the intro to logical
reasoning video, I'm not seeing what you're referring to. Below the
video, I see a "skip to topic" section with several topics below
showing when they occur in the master lesson. If you could clarify
where you're seeing this, that would be helpful for me.
