Shelton: The recent sharp decline in the number of moose in this region was caused by a large increase in the white-t...

Aidyn-Carlson on July 7, 2019

D and not c?

Can someone explain why this is not c

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Ravi on July 7, 2019


Happy to help.

(C) says, "Wolf packs in the region with the declining moose
population generally prey on only moose and deer, but in the
neighboring region the wolf packs prey on a wider variety of species."

This is a tricky choice, but we have to keep in mind that we're
looking to resolve the paradox of why the deer were a relevant factor
in the moose population's decline in one region but didn't have an
effect on the moose population in another region. This answer might
help us to explain why more moose didn't live in one region, but it
fails to explain why the deer were to blame for this. (C) puts the
blame on wolves. The important discrepancy in the stimulus is about
how relevant the deer were to the deaths of the moose. Thus, (C) fails
to help us resolve this conflict. As a result, we can get rid of this
answer choice.

Does this make sense? Let us know if you have any other questions!