Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the passage?

ethilavanh on July 11, 2019

Question about Correct Answer

Why is the correct answer C?

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hales on August 31, 2019

I also would like to know why (C) is the correct answer - though I selected (C) as the correct answer I am having trouble in general with main point questions. I do not see why (C) is a better answer than (E).

JsKarp on September 4, 2019

^^ explanation please, thanks.

shunhe on January 1, 2020

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the question. (C) summarizes the point of the entire passage. The author's overarching argument is that schools should provide training in statutory law. The first paragraphs talk about how statutory law helps builds the skill if interpreting statutes, the third focuses on how it helps synthesis, and the last paragraph talks about a possible argument against teaching statutory law, which is encapsulated in the first part of (C).

(E), on the other hand, is wrong because it's too strong. The author isn't arguing that law schools "fail to impart the skills necessary for the analysis of legal information." To say this was a claim of the author would mean that the author was claiming that law schools in general are failing in this regard, which isn't mentioned in the passage at all.

farnoushsalimian on July 18, 2022

Lines 22-25: But statutes' meanings and their applicability to relevant situations are not always so obvious, and that is one reason that the ability to interpret them accurately is an ESSENTIAL skill for law students to learn.

Unless you make the argument that the author claims that law schools ARE teaching statute law, we should be able to reason that law schools are failing to impart necessary skills, based on lines 22-25

farnoushsalimian on July 18, 2022

Not only would you have to argue that they are teaching statute law, you'd have to argue that they're teaching it successfully

farnoushsalimian on July 18, 2022

because if law schools are failing to teaching statute law, a subject which develops one's ability to interpret statutes' meaning accurately, which is an essential (ie. necessary) skill (22-25), then they are in fact failing to impart skills necessary for the analysis of legal information