October 2012 LSAT
Section 2
Question 1
Which one of the following could be a list of the majors of Manolo, Nadia, Owen, Peng, and Rana, respectively?


Ravi on July 20, 2019
@msaber, it looks good to me. What did you have a question on regarding the setup?
SarahA on July 20, 2019
For Scenario 2 is the top setup (as shown in the video explanation) correct...Or is the bottom setup correct?
Ravi on July 22, 2019
@msaber, when I looked at the video explanation for this game, I saw that on the left of the screen, Naz showed the rules and general layout of the game. Then she drew 3 worlds on the right side of the screen, all of which looked correct to me. With those worlds, all of the questions should be answerable by referring to them. I didn't see a discrepancy in setup in top vs. bottom, so if I'm missing something, let me know!
SarahA on July 22, 2019
Ok thanks!
Ravi on July 22, 2019
@msaber, you're welcome! Let us know if you have any more questions!