A law is successful primarily because the behavior it prescribes has attained the status of custom. Just as manners a...

ethilavanh on August 8, 2019

What type of question is this?

What is the difference between answer choice B and C? Thanks for your help!

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Irina on August 8, 2019


The question asks us to determine what parallels does the argument draw between laws and manners. Let's look at the argument:

A law is successful primarily because the behavior it prescribes has attained the status of custom. Just as manners are observed not because of sanctions but because contrary behavior becomes unthinkable, societal laws are observed not because it is ethically required or due to penalties, but because to act otherwise would be uncustomary.

The argument essentially says that societal laws and manners are observed because it is customary to act a certain way, not because of a threat of punishment or some ethical considerations.

(B) says "the primary basis for ADOPTING a law";
(C) says "the main factor accounting for COMPLIANCE."

The argument only discusses compliance with the law/ manners - it tells us why manners and societal laws are observed/ obeyed, there is no discussion on how the laws or manners are adopted.

Does this make sense?

Let me know if you have any further questions.

ethilavanh on August 9, 2019

That helped out a lot. Thank you!

Ravi on August 9, 2019

@ethan.thilavanh@gmail.com, let us know if you have any other questions!