An artificial hormone has recently been developed that increases milk production in cows. Its development has promp...

#JW on August 13, 2019

Is there a typo on the answer choices and responses?

Below is what I have for my answer choices and they are not matching up to the explanations: A: questioning the motivation of those who made the proposal being argued against B: introducing a case analogous to the one under consideration to show that a general implementation of the proposal being argued against would be impossible C: using specific examples in order to show that an alternative to the proposal being argued against would better achieve the ends to which the original proposal was directed D: proposing an alternative course of action for achieving the objectives of the proposal being argued against E: raising considerations in order to show that the proposal being argued against, if strictly implemented, would lead to absurd consequences

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shunhe on February 1, 2020

I think you're not seeing the right answer choices, but it seems to work for me. If you still have issues, please contact support!