October 2010 LSAT
Section 1
Question 11
The passage provides the strongest support for inferring that Lessing holds which one of the following views?
Hannah-Anderson on September 19, 2019
Same. Could someone please explain E?
Irina on September 19, 2019
@sydneycrudo123 and @Hannah-Anderson,The issue with (E) is that it is too strong of a statement. Lessing argues that all art involves technique, but not all art involves origination of a new vision, but (E) requires us to conclude that any artist that makes use of techniques developed by others necessarily precludes any new vision or innovation. Surely, all the artists use some of the established painting techniques but then the ones who add their own creative vision would arguably be considered innovative by Lessing. Since (E) fails to consider this possibility, we cannot properly infer it from the discussion of Lessing's views.
Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any further questions.

frederickliu on December 28, 2022
I can't find any where the passage mentioned "historical circumstances" regarding the original painter's technique. Can you point to me where it indicates "historical circumstances" - like events that happened? Culture of that period of time?
Emil-Kunkin on December 30, 2022
Hi, historical circumstances stances in this case would be the preceding art. That is, L thinks that forgery is it art as it is derivative, and not original, so a work that is technically great can be considered not art since that idea and technique had been done before.