If Wendy presents on jitsuaku and Shakespeare's villains but not on Machiavellianism, then which one of the following...

Lauren on August 30, 2019

Answer choice

can someone please explain why answer choice C is correct?

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Irina on August 30, 2019


The correct answer should be (B). Please let us know if it shows as (C) for you.

Anna20 on March 7, 2021

Please can you explain this question / game?

Thank you!

Emil-Kunkin on February 11, 2024

Let's see what we know

S: W
J: W R

We know that R cannot go in S since Wendy is there, s we know she can't go in M either. This means she can go in J and only J. We also know we need someone in M, so that would be G, who must then go in S as well. So we have

S: W G
M: G
J: W R