June 2017 LSAT
Section 4
Question 19
Which one of the following must be true?

Irina on September 4, 2019
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In the meantime, please see below for a written explanation.
The game involves four product managers - F, G, H, and I sent to visit three cities - M, S and T. Each manager will visit at least one of the cities, and each city will be visited by exactly two managers, meaning there are six visits total.
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___
The following rules apply:
(1) I must visit exactly 2 of the cities.
This rule tells us that there are 4 visits left to be assigned to the remaining 3 managers meaning none of the managers could visit all 3 cities, but one of the remaining managers must visit 2 cities, and two managers must visit one city each. 2 (I) -2 -1 -1 is the overall distribution of visits.
(2) F & H cannot visit the same city as each other.
(3) If M is visited by G, then T must be visited by H
M (G) -> T(H)
(4) G cannot visit Sydney
S (~G)
___ I ___
___ F/H ___
This rule tells us that we must pick 2 managers from F H I to visit Sydney. Since F & H cannot visit the same city per rule (2), we must pick I to visit Sydney and either F/H.
Thus, we can conclude that (D) Ibanez visits Sydney must be true.