The passage indicates that prior to the use of pollen analysis in the study of the history of the Irish landscape, at...

adamwchase on September 5, 2019

Digital LSAT

Given that the LSAT is now a digital exam, are we going to be able to have scrap paper to write down reminders, work out/solve problems, etc.? If so, how many pieces of scrap paper are we allowed to have on test day? (I am sorry if this is not the correct place to ask this question.)

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Irina on September 5, 2019


Yes, LSAC will provide scratch paper and a pen for test-takers to use during the test. Digital LSAT test-takers will also be permitted to use their own pencil and eraser for making notes. They will provide a stylus that can be used to underline and highlight text on the tablet. I am not seeing any information online regarding how many pieces of scratch paper will be made available, but you should be able to reach out to LSAC for this information.

Good luck with your studies.

NK848 on January 31, 2020

Does anyone know the size/kind of the tablet provided at the test center? I was not able to install LSATMAX to my old tablet so I will have to find a newer one.