October 2010 LSAT
Section 3
Question 11
Psychologists observing a shopping mall parking lot found that, on average, drivers spent 39 seconds leaving a parkin...

Victoria on September 13, 2019
Hi @Gina-Monaghan,It is because K must come before J in our sequence. So, if a partner joins the firm in 1963, it must be true that there are no partners to their left in the diagrammed sequence.
For example, although this is not one of the possible answer choices, we know that N cannot join the firm in 1963. Why? Because H is to its left in the sequence diagram, meaning that H must join the firm before N. But both 1961 and 1962 are filled, so N cannot join the firm in 1963 because H must join before N.
Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.
drlane300 on November 23, 2019
Question 15But she states that M and H are possible. According to the large sequencing chain, M have partners K and J to the left. Should we not look at the large sequencing chain? I'm confused as to when to look at the rules or the large chain.

Skylar on May 3, 2020
Happy to help!You should be consistently looking at the larger chain and the rules. In this specific game, we accounted for all of our rules in the larger chain, so we can focus only on the chain.
In this specific question, we have K in the first spot and J in the second spot. So, for the third spot, we could either have H (which has no variables that must precede it) or M (which must be preceded by K and J, which are already placed in the preceding spots). We can see how these placements would each be possible by looking at the arrangement of our larger sequencing chain.
Does that make sense? Hope it helps!