October 2000 LSAT
Section 2
Question 13
13. Which one of the following, if true, would provide the strongest objection to the criticism in the passage of the...


SamA on September 30, 2019
Hey @RitaW,Let's identify the second version of multicultural education. Described in paragraph three, this version is characterized by its attempt to hold a neutral position regarding differences among cultures.
Where is the criticism of this version as referenced in the question? Look at line 32. "However, the methods of examination, study, and explanation of cultures in this second version of multicultural education are still identifiably western." Basically, this version cannot be neutral, because it relies on Western scientific tradition.
Also, look to the last sentence of the passage. "According to this objection, it is only by adopting the perspectives and methods of the cultures studied that real understanding can achieved."
These are the criticisms that the question asks us to counter. Which answer choice does so successfully?
Answer choice A, if true, counters that last sentence of the passage. The last sentence says that the only way to truly understand a culture is to adopt the perspectives and methods of that culture. A tells us that this approach is impossible for non-members of the culture, making the criticism invalid. Therefor, why even try multicultural education? This is why A is correct.
The only other answer that was tempting to me was D. I believe that the problem with D is its use of "achievements." The passage mostly discusses a thorough, real understanding of the culture in question. Even if D is true, I would argue that "understanding achievements" is outside of the scope of the passage.

SamA on September 30, 2019
Even if D were true, the critics of the 2nd version of multicultural education would probably argue that an understanding of achievements is not as important as what can be learned from using non-scientific, culturally relevant approaches.