Pedigreed dogs, including those officially classified as working dogs, must conform to standards set by organizations...

Ryan-Mahabir on September 29, 2019

Why is B correct? Why is E incorrect?


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rebut on June 6, 2020

^^same question

shaynamarks on August 2, 2020

same question

liwenong28 on December 19, 2020

Hi all,

I am not an instructor but let me try to explain why I think B is the correct answer instead of E. (I initially picked E as well).

The main conclusion of the stimulus is "Therefore, pedigree organizations should set standards requiring working ability in pedigreed dogs classified as working dogs".

The word "since" is a premise indictor.

*Since* dog breeders try to maintain only those traits specified by pedigree organizations, and traits that breeders do not try to maintain risk being lost, certain traits like herding ability risk being lost among pedigreed dogs

The word "since" introduces the premise and the conclusion of the above sentence is "certain traits like herding ability risk being lost among pedigreed dogs".

So, by comparing the above conclusion and the main conclusion, it is clear that the above conclusion at the end of the sentence starting with "since" is the sub. conclusion as it supports the main conclusion. It is a sub. conclusion instead of a premise (as what answer choice (E) states) because it has a premise supporting it.

I hope the above helps! :)