Given the manner in which the term "pathogen" is used in the passage, and assuming that the prion theory of infectio...

Ryan-Mahabir on October 7, 2019

Why is A correct? Why is E incorrect?


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Irina on October 7, 2019


A pathogen is defined as a disease-causing agent (line 2), hence assuming that the prion theory of infection is correct, we can infer that prion is a pathogen (line 24). Prions lack nucleic acid and consist mainly of protein (lines 22-24). Therefore, it must be false that nothing that lacks nucleic acid is a pathogen as (A) suggests since prions lack nucleic acid and are pathogens.

(E) is a true statement because the passage tells us that prions are protein pathogens, hence there are other pathogens besides viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Let me know if you have any further questions.