Last winter was mild enough to allow most bird species to forage naturally, which explains why the proportion of bird...

Ryan-Scirocco on October 7, 2019

Explain C please

I do not understand why C is the answer, though I understand why the others are not correct. I may be getting confused in the logic applied here, so some help would be greatly appreciated.

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BenMingov on October 7, 2019

Hi Ryan, thanks for the question!

The argument concludes that it is the mild winter that is responsible for the increased bird population. It gives several reasons for this before stating this conclusion.

Answer C relates back to the premise that said "the proportion of birds visiting feeders was much lower than usual".

So we know that because it was warmer than usual, they didn't visit feeders as often. Answer choice C says that eating from feeders is more dangerous than foraging naturally. Therefore, it would strengthen the reasoning that the mild winter is responsible for the increased bird population because the warmer weather allowed less of them to get hunted by predators when eating from feeders.

Hope this helps!

#JW on November 5, 2019

How do you eliminate A?Because it saves "sometimes"?

shunhe on December 28, 2019

Hi @#JW,

We can eliminate (A) because the connection it makes is too weak. Note that the stimulus is looking for a causal relationship between the winter and the population ("is responsible for"). (A), however, suggests at most that there is a correlation between the two. Hope this helps.