Failure to rotate crops depletes the soil's nutrients gradually unless other preventive measures are taken. If the s...

#JW on October 8, 2019

Could you please diagram the passage?

Could you please diagram these statements using S and N techniques?

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SamA on October 8, 2019

Hello @Jwebb,

Failure to rotate crops (not RC) depletes the soil's nutrients (DSN) unless other preventative measures (PM) are taken.

not RC and not PM - - - - - - - - - - - -> DSN

Do you see why I used "and" here? In order for nutrients to deplete, we need both a failure to rotate crops and a failure to use preventative measures. This is not an "or" situation, because if just one of these actions is taken, the nutrients will not deplete. This gives us the following contrapositive.

not DSN - - - - - - - - - > RC or PM

If the soil's nutrients are completely depleted (CD), crops cannot be grown (not G) unless fertilizer (F) is applied to the soil.

CD and not F - - - - - - - - - > not G

This is very similar to the nutrient depletion statement above, with two factors that could contribute to the same result. Here is the contrapositive.

CG - - - - - - - - - - -> not CD or F

Veggies grown in fertilized soil (FS) need more pesticides (MP) which results to greater risk in humans (GR).

FS - - - - - - > MP - - - - - -> GR

SamA on October 8, 2019

In the second contrapositive, I meant to use G for crop growth, not CG.