Farmer: Agricultural techniques such as crop rotation that do not use commercial products may solve agricultural prob...

Meredith on October 23, 2019

Choice E

Why is E incorrect?

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BenMingov on October 24, 2019

Hi Meredith, thanks for the question!

Answer choice E says that "Most if not all government-sponsored agricultural research investigates agricultural techniques that do not use commercial products".

Well that's very nice for the government! But it doesn't tell us that all most agricultural techniques that do not use commercial products will be researched by the government.

If the government devotes a tiny amount of its resources to researching agricultural research, then even if all of it is concerned with non-commercial methods, this doesn't help us conclude that most agricultural research on this front will be done by the government. Why are we excluding wealthy individuals, universities, nonprofit institutions, etc.?

Hope this helps!