Professor: Each government should do all that it can to improve the well–being of all the children in the society it...

Kath on October 24, 2019


Could you explain why A is wrong?

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BenMingov on October 24, 2019

Hi @Kath, thanks for the question!

Answer choice A is a more difficult one to discount because it acts as a sufficient assumption, rather than a necessary assumption. If only governments that subsidize high quality daycare take an interest in the wellbeing of the children in its society, and a government should do all that it can to improve the children's welfare, then it is a logical conclusion that the government should finance this daycare.

However, for necessary assumption question, we need to see if negating the answer choice will hurt the argument. Negating A gives us the following:

"Not only governments that subsidize high quality daycare take an interest in the wellbeing of all the children in the societies they govern". This doesn't hurt the argument that the government under question should do this. Perhaps other governments do not have a need for this daycare, but this one does.

Hope this helps!

Kath on October 27, 2019

Make sense! Thank you so much! I should pay more attention to the Difference witty Necessary and Sufficient assumption.